“What can we do to help?” Our shared commitment to this central inquiry propelled our various projects revolving around food insecurity, waste, and other related issues.
Fresh Food Drive
Our food drive aims to bring fresh, nutritious, locally produced food to people in need in our community. It is meant to complement traditional food drives, which usually collect non-perishable, canned food items, leaving a deficiency of fresh foods and their nutrients. With the help of Carrboro Farmers Market and Farmer FoodShare, we are packing and distributing fresh food donation boxes. We source local food items with both nutrition and the environment in mind. Local food is supplied with the shortest food miles to ensure freshness, flavor, nutrition and safety, while minimizing exposure and waste. To ensure these fresh foods reach the families in need in the shortest and safest terms, we are collaborating with hunger relief organizations, including TABLE, PORCH and the Refugee Support Center, to achieve this goal.
Compost Demo Site
Yichen Sun led the effort, in collaboration with the Town of Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation department, to rebuild the compost demonstration site at the widely-visited Community Center Park. He initiated the project with a thoughtful proposal after hearing that the site was in disrepair. He partnered with Scouts BSA Troop 39, Waste Management, Parks and Recreation, and various other community volunteers to restore the demonstration site to a usable state. The complete site will help raise awareness of composting with the park’s many visitors.
Bo Chi led the effort to organize the county-wide Compost-A-Thon to spread awareness, practice composting, and celebrate our collective efforts through community composting. With its virtual campaign and three in-person events at local farmers markets, over two tons of food waste were logged/composted, and diverted from landfills. Special Thank Yous go to the Orange County Solid Waste Management, Carrboro Farmers Market, Chapel Hill Farmers Market, Eno River Farmers Market, Troop 39, all donors and volunteers! Visit the project website, www.compostathon.org to learn more.